Three weeks ago when writing about travel changes, I didn't expect such a big change to happen with a week to go before departure. Unforeseen circumstances have resulted in Jon Liu having to withdraw from the mission trip. As a result, where we were at one point planning to share ministry responsibilities, I will be doing all of the speaking and other ministry commitments. All messages in Brazil will be in Portuguese. Messages in Argentina will be in English with Spanish interpreter. Please pray for the added responsibilities. (English continues below)
[Três semanas atrás, quando escrevi sobre mudanças de viagem, não esperava que uma grande mudança acontecesse com uma semana antes da partida. Circunstâncias imprevistas resultaram em Jon Liu ter que se retirar da viagem missionária. Como resultado, onde estávamos em um ponto planejando compartilhar responsabilidades do ministério, eu estarei fazendo todos os compromissos de pregar, compartilhar e outros ministérios. Todas as mensagens no Brasil estarão em português. Mensagens na Argentina estarão em inglês com intérprete espanhol. Por favor, ore pelas responsabilidades adicionais.] Português continua em baixo
Travel Along with me! 🚗🚌🛫✈️
October 31 - Tuesday (Halloween)
Depart LAX for São Paulo, Brazil
1 Wednesday
Fly from São Paulo to Campo Grande
Night: Meeting with young professionals - Bring message
2 Thursday
Campo Grande
Night: Meeting with youth leaders and young couples – Presentation on the ministry of JEMS.
3 Friday
Travel day from Campo Grande to Curitiba
4 Saturday
In Curitiba
Afternoon: Dialysis
Evening: Bible study and testimony with young professionals, collegians and high schoolers. A challenge message is requested by the pastor.
5 Sunday
Travel Day from Curitiba to São Paulo
After arrival at SP Guarulhos Airport, travel to São José dos Campos.
Meeting with church board. Evaluation of JEMS Summer Team
Dinner and fellowship with young adults.
6 Monday
Travel day from São José dos Campos to São Paulo Holiness denominational headquarters
7 Tuesday
Meeting with pastors in the greater São Paulo city region. Lunch and presentation.
8 Wednesday
Early start: Travel bus to Campinas Viracopos Airport
Fly from Viracopos to Marília City, then car to Pompéia town
8:00pm Speak at Youth Service in Pompeia Holiness Church
9 Thursday
Car travel back to Marilia
7:30pm Speak to mixed group of youth and adults about the calling of missions
10 Friday
Air travel from Marilia to São Paulo city
11 Saturday
Air travel to Buenos Aires.
Afternoon – Dialysis for PJ;
Dinner – Meeting with Centro Nikkei Argentina community friends and leaders
12 Sunday
Preach at the Japanese Evangelical Church of La Fuente
Dinner with Nikkei Christian and community friends.
13 Monday
Depart Buenos Aires for São Paulo Guarulhos Airport
Depart SP Guarulhos for LAX
14 Tuesday
Arrive LAX
This revised schedule, together with the departure of Jon Liu from the team, reminds me of the Apostle Paul's exhortation to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2 and 5. This is the challenge for me. Please ask God to enable me to be faithful to the task.
[Este cronograma revisado, juntamente com a partida de Jon Liu da equipe, me lembra a exortação do apóstolo Paulo a Timóteo em 2 Timóteo 4: 2 e 5. Este é o desafio para mim. Por favor, peça a Deus que me permita ser fiel à tarefa.]
"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. . . . But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
"Pregue a palavra, esteja preparado a tempo e fora de tempo, repreenda, corrija, exorte com toda a paciência e doutrina. . . .Você, porém, seja moderado em tudo, suporte os sofrimentos, faça a obra de um evangelista, cumpra plenamente o seu ministério."