COVID 19 is no joke. I want to apologize for leading off with the reminder that we are still in the middle of a pandemic (though prayerfully with an end in sight). At the same time, JEMS South America Department is not being deterred in our efforts to make the gospel of Jesus Christ known in South America.
Paraguay Project Completed Successfully and with much gratitude
Much appreciation is expressed to Pastor Ichibei Honda of the San Diego Japanese Christian Church. Pastor Ichibei, together with his wife, Yunike and two of their children, served the Japanese Paraguayan community virtually under the auspices of JEMS in the cities of Asunción and Pedro Juan Caballero.
Photo below: Sunday morning study and the cities represented)

Due to the uniquely high percentage of Nikkei who are fluent in Japanese (92% nationwide among all generations), Pastor Honda was able to conduct Saturday Bible classes for the youth and Sunday morning Bible studies for adults in Nihongo. The program was one-month long for five weekends in the month of August. Thank you for your prayers!

(Translation of email at left)
Greetings Pastor Ichibei and Yunike Honda!
Hallelujah! We are grateful to God for your lives! It is we who thank you for your willingness to participate with activities in our churches in Paraguay and who brought us teachings, edification, renewal and joy to the body of Christ!
God grant that one day we can meet in person in the name of Jesus!
You have been a blessing from the Lord for our churches! We will be praying for you! God bless and keep your life!
In the love of Christ!
(Pastor) Oscar Hayashida
Argentina Project to Launch in September

JEMS is collaborating with a local southern California pastor to provide leadership training to the board of directors of the Iglesia Evangélica Japonesa of Buenos Aires. The project begins on Thursday, September 17 and will continue for four consecutive weeks.
We are working with Pastor Sanghyuck Samuel Kim, who is a 2019 graduate of Talbot Theological Seminary. (Pictured in photo: top, center).
Pastor Kim came recommended to us by JEMS’ newest staff member, Sarah Park. He is fluent in Spanish and was involved with Seminario Teológico Centroamericano, in Guatemala City, Guatemala. He serves on the pastoral staff of the Irvine Baptist Church. Additionally he works part-time with 4ChristMission, an organization that sends short term workers to Latin America and Southeast Asia.
Staff Hire

The South America Department is seeking a part-time staff worker. The position is a support-raised administrative position. The work will involve learning JEMS South America policies and procedures for recruitment, training and placement of short-term workers. Other considerations for potential advancement will be continuing education in the area of missiology as well as language studies in Portuguese.
Midwinter 2021 is full-on summer in Brazil!

I am planning together with our Brazil National Coordinator, Pastor William Maki Suzuki, to explore the possibilities of virtual English Bible study ministries in January and/or February of 2021 in Brazil.
Given the likelihood of ongoing pandemic-related issues, we hope to offer virtual Bible studies based in English. Unlike the denominations-wide JEMS WEEK Program, which was held in June, we look to offer a program that works on the local church level, thus providing a bit more intimacy and accountability.

Prayers appreciated for PJ Health
Due to a coagulation of my dialysis access, suffered on August 26th, I underwent emergency surgery that same afternoon in an effort to clear the clot/blockage. A follow-up appointment has been scheduled for testing and a consultation with my vascular surgeon to determine next steps.
Please pray for all of us to be blessed with wisdom for taking those steps and for extraordinary skill for the surgeon and his team!
Thank you for your prayers and support,
Pr. John
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