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Continued from "Surgical Merry-Go-Round"

What's Old is New Again

In lieu of individual and personal contact with ministry partners in South America, I am using other resources such as Zoom, Youtube videos, as well as the old tried-and-true method of article writing. The Evangelical Holiness Church of Brazil is allowing me occasional space in their monthly online newsletter to provide devotionals and other JEMS updates. In a time when travel is limited, it's a blessing to be able to use established 'print' media such as the hora h. The term in Portuguese means "the decisive or important moment."

In 1 Corinthians 6:1-2, the Apostle Paul writes, "As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says,

'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation."

Not knowing God's timetable for Christ's return nor the remaining life span allowed for our precious friends in South America, we use whatever avenues are available to proclaim the name of Jesus. Please pray with me that the opportunity to share via the Hora H newsletter will result in hearts being comforted and otherwise being turned to Christ.

It's ironic that in a time of international technology (social media resources and video accessibility), we are able to use something as "old-fashioned" as a denominational newsletter (though in an electronic format!)

Before moving forward, let's look at where we've been:

JEMS is grateful for the ministry of Pastor Sanghyuck Kim, recent Talbot Theological Seminary graduate. You read about Pastor Kim's service in September and October, providing a four-week leadership training program for the Iglesia Evangélica Japonesa de Buenos Aires de La Fuente (Japanese Evangelical Church of Buenos Aires). Additionally, Pastor Kim offered a series of follow-up training sessions with the church just before Christmas.

Pastor Kim's continued ministry resulted in a response of much appreciation for JEMS’ investment in their local church's ministry. The church’s presiding elder Guillermo Hokama wrote:

“Thank you, John for your concern and dedication despite the distances and your health battles; You are part of our church in La Fuente and we are very blessed and grateful to the Father for your life, as well as Pastor Kim’s, whom we already consider part of us, and in whom we have been ministered in the Spirit. Thanks to both of you!” (translated)

2021 is like a darkened mirror

In 1 Corinthians 13:12, the Apostle Paul writes, "For now we see in a mirror dimly." He describes our vision of the future as imperfect, blurred and undefined. Covid 19 has certainly contributed to the uncertainly of JEMS' in-person ministries in the upcoming months.

I wrote to someone recently that conditions in Brazil have been especially tricky. The political climate gives no encouragement to the people there. Even with the rollout of the vaccine, Brazil's president Bolsonaro gives neither incentive nor encouragement for the general population to participate. He has even warned that taking the vaccine would turn some people into alligators.

With that level of no-confidence, the people may be reluctant to participate in a vaccine program there, making the battle against Covid difficult. It's also possible that this may push back safe international travel. I had hoped to be back in South America, and especially Brazil, by July or August. But it all remains to be seen. Please pray about open doors.

In the meantime JEMS South America Department is also planning for a potential Spring 2021 virtual missions’ program. JEMS Brazil National coordinator, Pastor Maki Suzuki is exploring the viability of JEMS offering English language discipleship programs in January and February. A survey has been sent out to Brazil Nikkei pastors to determine their interest. A segment of the survey is included as a snapshot below.

With the upsetting of the school calendar in Brazil, it is uncertain whether students will be available to participate.

I have been informed that the summer camp (January and February are summer in South America) programs in Brazil have already been cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic. This may create an opportunity for JEMS to run a virtual program of English language Bible studies for youth. Or as an alternative, I am working to target interested adults.

Are you interested in working with me should this project come to fruition? It would be an ideal time to serve as a virtual missions worker. No travel. No passports. No health risks. Not a lot of expense. Just bring your heart for Jesus and your English language ability!

A job description for a JEMS South America headquarters position was defined and clearly outlined. The position has been okayed by the Executive Director and is available to be hired. Please pray for the filling of this position as it assists Pastor John in the continuation of the South America ministry. The position must raise support for their salary. Please contact me at this email's sending address for additional information.

Thank you so much for reading this far! I would value your prayers so much. God bless you in the New Year. Please continue to be safe and well!

Pastor John

Please donate to Pastor John at JEMS:



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About Me

Lover of Jesus, South America and KPop.  How does that happen?  Serving with JEMS and working with Nikkei communities in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and the United States.  For more information, please contact me at JEMS.

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