The journal, Praxis describes our current condition as equivalent to passing through a period of blizzard that can extend into winter, and potentially turn into a longer period of devastation, similar to an Ice Age. No one wants that. The Ice Age being spoken of isn't the comically humorous experiences of the 2002 full-length animated movie.
No, unfortunately, this period is one that is impacting millions in our country alone. On May 21, statistics revealed that 38.6 million Americans applied for unemployment, principally because of the fallout from Covid-19 (source: Fortune). And what about churches and para-church organizations? We aren't exempt from the challenges that are plaguing our world.
The Praxis article reveals the need for organizations like JEMS to respond and revision our ministry model. The authors write:
Leadership under these conditions requires acting fast (in fact, ventures that have not yet made considerable changes are already in grave danger); it requires the fortitude to make hard choices; and it requires agility and vision to design a new business and redeploy toward it. In this season you will produce an unusual share of mistakes, pain, losses, and failures, with no guarantees of survival — yet in all of this, you can still act in ways that demonstrate love, bear burdens, and keep trust. Source: Praxis
JEMS South America Missions Department is making every effort to be nimble in facing this crisis. Where our short-term program was heralded by churches in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay for its person-to-person ministries, we are now having to learn how to share the good news of Jesus through virtual means.
For summer 2020, we are designing a virtual package with hopes to minister to children, youth and adults. It's really a tall order. We are in desperate need of volunteers willing to serve as teachers who will minister together with an interpreter.
For the very first time, you can serve in Brazil without leaving your home! You will need to act quickly though! Please fill in the application form halfway down this page: https://www.jems.org/missions/south-america/short-term-missions/
JEMS will offer:
Children’s program has been requested by the Brazil Planning Team. This program would be very much welcome by parents. The program is dependent upon our ability to find volunteers.
Youth English program (June 29 to July 4)
Potential of six days of program, alternate weekdays, with three sessions per day if we have enough JEMS volunteers. Just to be clear, you don't have to be a young person to serve:
90 minutes each at:
2pm-3:30pm (10am to 11:30am LA time)
4pm-5:30pm (12noon to 1:30pm LA time)
6pm-7:30pm (2pm to 3:30pm LA time)
The image below shows how you can select your class time once your application is accepted:

Evening Plenary sessions.

Pat Zukeran (L) has confirmed his participation to offer messages in English (with Portuguese interpretation) from June 22-25 (Monday to Thursday). Patrick Zukeran is the founder and Executive Director of Evidence and Answers, a research and teaching ministry specializing in Christian apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith. He is the host of the radio show Evidence and Answers (www.evidenceandanswers.org). He is the author of several books including The Apologetics of Jesus co-authored with Norman Geisler, God, Eternity, and Spirituality (ed.) and Unless I See… Is There Enough Evidence to Believe?
Topics: Creation vs Evolution; and a selection between 5 Evidences for the Christian Faith; (or) Truth: Relative or Absolute
Davy Lin (pictured R, with wife, Susana) has confirmed his participation on Friday, June 26th. Davy is Brazilian, residing in the LA area. He speaks Portuguese and will not require an interpreter. He is currently serving as chaplain in the Kaiser Permanente system. He is a former therapist at the Asian American Christian Counseling Center.
Topic: “Facing Anxiety, Fear and Uncertainty in the Midst of a Pandemic”
The Plenary sessions will run independently of the children’s and youth programs.

Additionally, on Sunday, May 24th, Pastor John will be ministering via Zoom videoconferencing software to a group of Brazilians living in Toronto, Canada.
If you are in need of encouragement today, you are welcome to listen to this message from John 14, called "An Antidote for Anxiety."