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Ministry continues

JEMS ministry in South America continues, although perhaps not the way we imagined. Sadly due to the spread and potential impact of the coronavirus, the past month has been spent determining our best course of action as it related to our summer mission program. Not wanting to make the decision unilaterally, I reached out to a broad cross-section of Nikkei leadership in Brazil.

PJ meeting with (L-R): Pra Carmen Kawano, Japanese Church Federation and Anglican Episcopal Church, São Paulo; Pr Daniel Abe, Bishop of the Japanese Free Methodist Church, South America,

Pra Yokimi Yuaça, Japanese Church Federation and Itaquera Holiness Church; Pr Daniel Yoshimoto, Sorocaba Free Methodist Church; Pr Maki Suzuki, JEMS National Coordinator and São José dos Campos Holiness Church,

Pr Kaoru Aoyama, President of the Japanese Church Federation of São Paulo and Hosanna Church; Pr Eduardo Goya, President of the Brazil Holiness Church; Pr Guto Umeki, Pompéia Holiness Church and denominational chair of international missions.

Thanks to applications such as Zoom and WhatsApp, it appears that this is how we will be doing ministry for the time being. These pastors expressed their gratitude for JEMS' continued commitment and concern for their churches and congregations. They affirmed their continuing partnership with JEMS in the future as matters related to the pandemic are resolved. Based upon the input and wisdom of the Brazilian national pastors, I forwarded a recommendation to the JEMS Board of Directors that the South American summer mission in its present form be suspended for 2020. The recommendation was accepted.

Having said that, I won't be sitting idle. After much discussion, it appears that the Brazilian churches would be open to the idea of JEMS providing virtual programs in lieu of person-to-person ministry. Programs such as interactive English classes, workshops in areas of expertise such as guitar or cooking via social media applications seem to be of interest. I am currently forming a JEMS task force, made up of younger and tech-savvy Brazilian pastors and leaders who might brainstorm with me over the next month or so to design a program. (I said "younger and tech-savvy." You might wonder why I'm in that group. haha!)

JEMS Task Force is in the process of formation. Currently, we welcome (L-R):

Daniel Tanaka of the Sorocaba FM Church;

Pr Maki Suzuki, JEMS National Coordinator; Pr Marcelo Kubotsu of the Bosque Holiness Church; and

Hideki Nakamura, lay member of the São José dos Campos Holiness Church.

Additional members are expected to join us next week as we plan to meet weekly for one month in preparation for the July mission.

The program would utilize whatever tech options available to us and that are "in fashion" with Brazilian young adults, including Zoom, Discord, Jitsi, Instagram Live (I'm told that Facebook is out. It's "for older people," evidently).

Most of these applications are new to me too, so there will be a learning curve as I myself plan to be involved in the virtual missions program this summer. We will not only provide classes and virtual games and recreational activities, but also interactive Bible studies and discipleship invitations. We are currently exploring the possibility of a virtual program for a local Nikkei church in Paraguay. My conversations with the pastor have been received positively thus far.

JEMS is saddened by the turn of events caused by the coronavirus. At the same time, I am certain that God will somehow utilize the desire to share Jesus with those at home or virtually, until such time the opportunity for overseas in-person service presents itself again.

If you're feeling discouraged by what's happening around you, please feel free to contact me here. I would be honored to make arrangements with you to sit and listen. Also if you'd like some encouragement from God's word, please listen to the following message I shared at LA Holiness Church on March 22nd about turning our focus to the Lord Jesus.

May God bless you and keep you safe and well,

Pastor John

JEMS South America

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About Me

Lover of Jesus, South America and KPop.  How does that happen?  Serving with JEMS and working with Nikkei communities in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and the United States.  For more information, please contact me at JEMS.

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