Prayer is appreciated as I embark on a full spring schedule:
Jan 31 Surgery Kaiser BP
Feb 4 - Dental appt San Diego
Feb 8 - speak at 90th anniversary celebration San Diego Japanese Christian Church
Feb 9 - attend 90th anniversary worship SD Japanese Christian Church
Feb 11 - Keiro/Sakura Gardens devotional message
Feb 16 - Missions message at West Los Angeles Holiness Church
Feb 23 - Missions sharing at Crossroads Community, Mission Viejo
March 8 - Preach at South Bay Presbyterian Church, Torrance
March 12-15 - PJ in Atlanta, GA to visit Tracey and new granddaughter
March 22 - Preach at LA Holiness
April 5 - Preach at Crossroads Community, Mission Viejo
Praise the Lord for a successful mission trip!
JEMS is grateful for the multi-church collaboration that was organized over the last several months, culminating in the Argentina mission project outside of Buenos Aires.
God laid Buenos Aires on my heart back in 1997, and I'm pleased that JEMS was able to facilitate a sending project from Brazil Holiness churches to the Iglesia Evangelica Japonesa de Buenos Aires. The team served at a camping venue in the town of Moreno, one hour from the capital. (Please click individual gallery photos below to expand them).
The camp concluded on Sunday (January 26th) with two young people receiving baptism as an expression of their faith in Christ (pictured above)! Many thanks to elder Guillermo for his willingness to receive the JEMS team and to organize his troops in Argentina.
Guillermo is pictured with some of the youth leaders of the camp expressing their thanks to JEMS and the Brazil team. Just a note that your financial support of JEMS South America General Fund helped to subsidize expenses incurred by the Brazil team. Thank you!
(Click for your opportunity to partner financially with Pastor John)
(Click to begin your application for summer missions with JEMS South America, 2020)
Listen for God's voice
William Carey, called the father of modern missions said, "To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map." Won't you listen to God's heart?