Sharing a bit differently this month using a video format.
I share Who: Who am I and how did I get here.
The What: What do I do?
And God: That God may be glorified and praised and not me.
The Who is shared briefly in this video as I speak on my calling to ministry in South America. I am sure that a number of people have wondered how this happened, moving from local to international ministry. Please click to play. All Portuguese-speaking videos are captioned in English.
The What: This video was actually created for a local church which asked, "can you share what you do for JEMS?"
The God part: I want to make sure that God receives the glory for his faithfulness in sustaining me over these twenty years of ministry in South America. And especially in these last three years where my health has been an issue.
BONUS: A special look at JEMS history: Can you ID these pastors from Mt Hermon 1950?
I can name all but two.
For the answers, please visit (Toward bottom of page)
Please consider financially supporting Pr John in his ministry.