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The Chinese proverb, 一石二鳥 roughly translates, “One stone, two birds.” In our American culture, we know the saying as “killing two birds with one stone.” It speaks of accomplishing multiple tasks or goals at the same time.

Brazil is a huge country, larger in area than the continental (48) United States. To visit all the Nikkei churches in the country would be a monumental task. The Holiness denomination alone has 42 churches in the country with an additional four church plants. The Free Methodist denomination has 33 churches in Brazil, with an additional four in Paraguay.

Pastor Rick Chuman and Pastor John will be killing many "birds" with the same stone as they attend the annual Holiness Pastors’ conference in Camp Panorama, Brazil during the first week of January. It is a conference that convenes all pastors and families from the Holiness denomination during four days of teaching, prayer, fellowship and vision casting. We will be present as participants in this important conference.

Additionally, we will meet with the Free Methodist conference superintendent soon after our arrival in São Paulo on January 5, 2019. We are hoping to meet with available pastors from that denomination for an evening of fellowship and dinner during the weekend of January 12th as a means of cultivating ongoing relationships with key players in the country.

Please remember to pray specifically for Pastor Elias (Brazil) and for Naomi (Buenos Aires) who are assisting me with my dialysis appointments in those respective countries/cities. Thanks so much!

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About Me

Lover of Jesus, South America and KPop.  How does that happen?  Serving with JEMS and working with Nikkei communities in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and the United States.  For more information, please contact me at JEMS.

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