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“It seems like you’re enjoying a lot of dinners and parties lately.“

The heart of ministry and missions in South America for me is the blessing of entering into people’s lives. To share their joys and sorrows. To weep when they weep, to rejoice when they rejoice.

Ministry doesn’t stand apart in isolation. It’s not just studying the Bible and then imparting truth via teaching and preaching, although I am also privileged to do that. Ministry is also visiting, cultivating relationships, sharing the truth of Gods word in a way that fits the relational and social context. It fits well within the gifting that God has given me with experience over the years.

This is the challenge. So often we have an idea of ministry having to be formatted in a certain way, but the reality is that ministry is the incarnation of Christ’s presence in the world. Reminding people again that there’s a God who loves them, that there is a God who hasn’t forgotten them, that there is a God who hasn’t abandoned them.

Photos of celebrations are photos of Christ’s presence in the world.

In addition to the ministries of celebration, I was also able to conduct the ministry side of evaluation and follow-up with churches and agencies which received JEMS teams this past July.

Ministries included the placement of JEMS short-term worker, Holly Yamagata and evaluations with JEMS-partnering churches.

Arrival of Holly in Pompéia, Brazil

Meeting with Holly's future supervising pastors in São Paulo.

Evaluation meetings with JEMS partnering churches: Londrina, Assaí and Presidente Prudente.

The evaluation meeting with the young people who served in collaboration with our JEMS worker, Koh Ikeda was very positive. For most of them, it was their first time serving in a ministry such as JEMS. They were thrilled to serve and were open to the possibility of serving again in the future. (Pictured here with supervising pastor, Luiz Hashimoto, to my left and Ms Suzuki, Mirassol school administrator, pictured right)

Thank you for your prayers. Please continue praying as plans are underway for Pastor Rick Chuman and I to attend the Brazil Holiness denomination's pastors' retreat in January.

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About Me

Lover of Jesus, South America and KPop.  How does that happen?  Serving with JEMS and working with Nikkei communities in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and the United States.  For more information, please contact me at JEMS.

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