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National team

It was my privilege to welcome Pastor Elias Sugano (pictured above) to the JEMS office during the first week of June. He, his wife and family were passing through LA on a well-deserved vacation. I'm featuring Elias because of his crucial role as a member of an informal on-field support team. Nothing happens on the mission field without the involvement of godly men and women who offer their time and assistance to move the ministry forward.

Pastor Elias is an ordained pastor in the Brazil Holiness Church (currently on medical leave). He has served as a volunteer administrator, arranging and confirming my dialysis appointments in Brazil. He represents the many behind-the-scenes friends and acquaintances who enable me to conduct ministry in South America.

There are many others who make up this informal national team: from those who are kind enough to

  • Drive me to and from meetings, appointments, the airport, bus stations

  • Open their homes to allow me to eat and rest during my travels,

  • Provide collaborative planning and prayer support for various ministries,

  • Re-arrange their calendars and programs to allow me to teach or preach

This ministry has never been about Pastor John winging it alone, but has been made possible by a network of people who are committed together with me to share the good news of Jesus Christ in their communities, be it Brazil, Argentina or Paraguay.

Thank you to all! May God return his blessing ten-, twenty- and one-hundred fold.

* * * EDIT * * *

On a separate note, I've been struggling with a painful skin infection since last week. I finally overcame my gaman and stubbornness and went to the emergency room last Friday (June 15). After a week on a regimen of antibiotics and a follow-up visit to a Kaiser doctor, I am finally starting to feel better, although being mostly in bed and unable to work. Hopefully next week will mark a turn for the better. Please continue to pray for me.

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About Me

Lover of Jesus, South America and KPop.  How does that happen?  Serving with JEMS and working with Nikkei communities in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and the United States.  For more information, please contact me at JEMS.

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