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A quick hello

I am grateful for the opportunity to visit with my brother last weekend in Delta, BC, Canada (about one-half hour from the Vancouver-Richmond International Airport). I've not seen him in some time and it was implied to me that I may want to make this visit soon. You know. That call.

It is a blessing to say that he appeared to be lucid and in good spirits. We had a couple of opportunities to spend some hours together. It was an important time as he is the remaining member of my immediate family (if we don't include my children in the equation).

An equally blessed moment was the opportunity to visit with his daughter, her husband and his former spouse. We are pictured here enjoying dinner together. After dinner we were able to return to the care facility to visit with him again.

Quite honestly, very few know that I have a brother, older by thirteen years. If you think about that, he entered university (18) when I started kindergarten (5). He left the LA area for grad school in Oregon back in 1965, pursuing his masters and PhD, never returning to live again in southern California.

In 1990, he suffered an almost life-ending cerebral hemorrhage, which left him partially blind and paralyzed. As a result of God's grace, he survived and continues today. He was admitted to a care facility in December 2017 and will likely remain there as long as he lives. I would appreciate prayer for him as he enters this chapter of his life.

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About Me

Lover of Jesus, South America and KPop.  How does that happen?  Serving with JEMS and working with Nikkei communities in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and the United States.  For more information, please contact me at JEMS.

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