(After fielding a few questions, I realized the need to clarify that it's the FIRST time I've been in Brazil in the month of November. Sorry for the confusion).
Plans are underway to travel again to South America in November. My purpose is to introduce Pastor Jon Liu (Director of AACF, pictured left) to mission opportunities in Brazil.
In the 1990s JEMS South America Department had a collaborative partnership with AACF as we sent student volunteers to serve in well over twenty cities and churches during that decade. I am hoping to restore a measure of that partnership with AACF as the need and challenge to share with unreached communities continues.
We will also include a visit to the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina to meet Nikkei church and community members. ​
I am also praising God as one of my donors has covered the cost of four dialysis treatments in Brazil! Please pray that those sessions can be arranged and confirmed!