I'm not quite on the launching pad yet. But the excitement about my opportunity to return to Brazil continues to grow. I will be leaving on March 2nd for São Paulo, but I'm getting ready with the "missions haircut" and other such things.
[Caption: "Cool haircut, PJ!" By the expression on my face, I'm not so sure. haha!]
If I may, I'd like to share some specific prayer requests with you:
1. For the dialysis appointments to be confirmed. Due to the high number of patients needing dialysis and the limited space available, I've had to turn in my medical exam reports to the clinics in Brazil one month ahead of time. Even with that, the spaces are not guaranteed. Please pray that a spot will open up for me. I know that this seems backwards to go before the appointment is confirmed, but it's the nature of doing business in South America.

2. Pray for hygienic and safe environments for my treatments. The dialysis machine basically removes and returns blood via a mechanical/electrical system. I don't have contact with any other blood source. However if the machine is not properly cleaned or maintained, there could be a risk of contamination. I would really ask prayer that I would not return from Brazil with some blood-transmitted disease!!
3. Please pray that the technicians will be able to access my vein without much pain or difficulty. My techs here in Monterey Park still have occasional difficulties inserting the needle into my vein and they're familiar with me. Hopefully it will go okay with technicians I've never met before.

4. Pray for the MANY transitions on land and air that have to made with multiple flights. Something as simple as getting from the airport to a destination (especially in the city of São Paulo) can be tricky as I won't always have the benefit of rides. It can be a matter of catching a taxi or a bus to go from place to place.
5. Please pray for fruitful meetings and planning with national leaders and pastors. My plan is to meet with key leadership in the city of São Paulo as well as in the five other cities I will visit.
6. Pray that my Portuguese will find a smooth return as I teach and serve. I will also be speaking and/or sharing in five churches in two different states.

7. Temp adjustments. It's 90 degrees at 9:10pm at night!!! You know that the seasons are inverted south of the equator, but this is sort of extreme. This is actually one of my southernmost city visits (nearer to Antarctica). Generally speaking there are no provisions in Brazil for climate control (A/C or central heating).
All-in-all, an exciting time is around the corner. Please pray that God will prepare my heart and spirit, as well as sustain my body through all of the travel and ministry opportunities. May God be praised through this time of service for the kingdom.