Pastor Adriano Kuroki, is a Brazilian Nikkei serving as a pastor to Brazilians who are working in Japan. (Photo left, taken in São Paulo in 2013, L-R: JEMS Brazilian worker, Lígia Kanegusuku, Pastor Adriano, Pastor Luiz Hashimoto (president of Brazil Holiness Conference), Adriano's brother and me). He is the first of several pastors that JEMS has been able to partner with as we expand our ministry to reach the Brazilian dekasegi population who are there in Japan.
Regarding the JEMS summer mission team that was sent this year, he writes (translated from Portuguese):
"As a teen I often heard at (Brazil's) Shalom Camp, "each camp is special." The ten years participating in this camp in Aichi, have been ten years of seeing these children grow into adulthood. And getting to know each other ..

We participate with the camp staff where the activities and recreation leader is more than 70 years old, and where the average age of the support staff is somewhere around 60. But they serve with a joy and commitment that gives an example to the younger people. This year we received a super family, the Mark Okada family .. They were awesome!!! And they brought so much more joy to us ..
Thank you, Pastor John for sending such a special family. I thank God for his great love for us and Japan!!!"
The Okada family, Mark, Pam, Lauren, Luke, Lindsey, Leighton, Lilly and family friend, Matt Eng, served at a camp in Aichi-ken in Japan, together with Pastor Adriano and his wife, Mayumi. Photos below of the Japan Holiness Church summer ministry (first week). The camp extends through the entire month of August, with each week ministering to a different age group.